Friday, 6 July 2012

My First Blog Post - 6th July 2012

My First Blog Post - 6th July 2012

So, here I am... my first blog post. Potentially a significant historic event in the making, or perhaps not. Anyway I tend to get nervous speaking in front of crowds so please bear with me...

I'm Peter Ryan ( That's me in the picture!) .Hello :). I work for a company called Conti ( who specialise in overseas mortgages, providing new mortgage rates countries as well as friendly an helpful advice. Off the record I'm a bloke that like to keep himself busy. I love to travel and I have the Bucket List objective of stepping foot on all the continents as well as sampling the cultures of as many different countries as possible. I mean, it's all well and good saying "I've been to Asia" but China, Japan and India are all completely different socially, culturally and cuisine-ally (You know what I mean :D). So far I've been lucky enough to visit South Africa, Namibia, India, Spain, France, Turkey, Portugal, Scotland, Italy, Ireland, Wales and Bulgaria.Chances are I've missed some countries out, but I'll amend that as I go along. It's a goodish sized list and I'm incredibly grateful for it, but I need more! So I suppose this blog can act as a to-do list as well as a diary. Please let me know of your adventures and recommendations!

My blog is entitled DreamHomeAbroad so what I hope to achieve in the future is an active and frequently updated blog all about the world beyond the UK. I'll be talking about things I've done, things I'd like to do, places I've been, I'll ponder about my goal of living abroad someday, try and get some information from those who have and even give you guys clues on how you can get closer to achieving your DreamHomeAbroad.

Thanks for reading.

Peter Ryan

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